Data become increasingly important in our society. Thus, abilities regarding the organized handling of data, its conscious application in the respective context and critical questioning represent relevant qualifications. This is not only true for study and research but also in many other fields of work and the general participation in society.
The offers of the project DaLiJe are intended to enable students from all study programmes to improve their competencies regarding the handling of data. Since it is mostly not possible to include the whole spectrum of topics in the individual study programmes, together with collaboration partners we organize courses and workshops for students that they can attend based on their interest and schedule.
However, continous and discipline-specific implementation of these topics in the study programmes is essential for a sustainable learning. Thus, we support lecturers that are interested to implement topics and methods related to data and digital technologies in their courses.
In collaboration with partners we organize courses and workshops on different topics with regard to handling data. Our focus are especially beginner courses that enable students without prior knowledge to get in contact with important topics, methods and tools.
The courses are intended to get students into contact with topics and methods that will help them in the course of their studies and their further (work) live. To increase the visibility of the programm, we are always happy when lecturers inform students about our project.
We are always looking for additional topics and cooperation partner for further courses that might be of interest for students from the different research fields.
Certificate programme
For all who want to delve deeper into the handling of data, the interdisciplinary Data Literacy certificate programme (DaLiJe) is a good point to start. All students at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena are welcome to participate, independent of their discipline. For the entry level no specific prior knowledge is required. On the higher levels also discipline-specific courses from the different study programmes are supposed to be part of the certificate.
If you would like to offer your course as part of the certificate programme or would like to open your course for a wider audience, please contact us: dataliteracy@uni-jena.de
Further information about the certifiate programme can be found here.
Information and advice
Besides the organisation of supplemental courses on specific topics, we would like to support lecturers and trainers to implement topics and methods related to data and digital technologies in their existing courses.
We have already developed content for courses, from single sessions on data management and transparency in research in the context of lectures or seminars to the implementation of an electronic lab notebook and an online course on data management in a practical course.
In this context, we will provide "Good Practice" examples and material to increase the visibility of existing initiatives in the future.
Furthermore, we want to help to better connect lecturers and get them in contact with putative collaboration partners to improve the exchange of ideas at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. One way is the network "Digitale Kompetenzen" that is intended to bring together lecturers from different research fields in order to discuss and further develop ideas.
If you are interested in a collaboration, please contact us: dataliteracy@uni-jena.de
Stay informed
If you want to stay informed about courses and events regarding Data Literacy skills at the University Jena, join our mailing listExternal link or follow us on one of our social media channels: