The ongoing digitisation of our society increases the relevance of competencies regarding the comprehension and handling of data.
Therefore Data Literacy, the ability to handle data in an organized manner, use them consciously and question them in the respective context, is not a specific competency for certain experts like Data Scientists or Data Stewards. It is a fundamental core competency that is not only relevant in science but also in the world of work and the general participation in society.
The certificat program DaLiJe ("Data Literacy Jena") gives students from all disciplines the opportunity to acquire competencies regarding the handling of data, from basics to discipline-specific methods. The program does not require specific prior knowledge, all students of the Friedrich Schiller University can participate. The certificate program can be completed flexibly over the course of the studies. The timepoint for entering the program can be freely chosen.
The certificate programme is organised in 3 levels.
If you have any questions regarding the certificate programme, please contact the Data Literacy Team: dataliteracy@uni-jena.de